On July 21, 2024 A dealer returning home from the recent Alabama Numismatic Society coin show was the victim of a vehicle burglary. The victim stopped in Tuscaloosa, AL to get something to eat and while inside for just several minutes unknown suspect/suspects gained entry into his vehicle and removed coins, currency, and cash.
Stolen coins:
2- Single row 2×2 boxes containing high grade dollars
4- Single row boxes containing circulated to unc dollars
2- Single row boxes containing gold and type coins ( 1873 Trade dollar, 1871 Seated dollar XF, 1860-0 seated dollar XF, 1843 Seated dollar Fine)
2- rolls 83-O dollars Unc
Roll BU Franklins 1953S, Roll BU 64 Kennedy half dollars
2- 1903-O dollars Uncirculated
Approx 40 Mississippi obsoletes (Aberdeen, Lewisville)
Graded Bison Note in Fine
2- Chiefs in Fine
10-12 Large Type Notes
The majority of coins were raw and housed in card board 2×2’s (Examples Below). Additional information will be provided when available.
If you have any information, please Contact:
Doug Davis(817) 723-7231
[email protected]