A dealer at the recent monthly Atlanta coin show was loading his car and
observed a subject watching him. The dealer started to approach the individual
who immediately turned and walked away. Before leaving the parking lot the
dealer checked the tires on his vehicle and found a sharp object attached to a
piece of cardboard under one of his tires (pictured below).

The dealer drove home and several minutes after arriving, the suspect pictured
above got out of a vehicle occupied by a second suspect and walked up the
driveway in an attempt to locate the dealer’s vehicle. No contact was made. The
suspect was the same individual who he observed watching him load his car at
the show. There is no further information available at this time.
Coin show dealers and promoters should be on high alert going to and from
shows due to the increase in offenses during the past sixty days. Coin show
security personnel should identify suspicious persons or activity during the show
and be extremely diligent during load in and load out.
Anyone with information contact:
Doug Davis