Monday Morning Brief for May 6, 2024: Crime prevention
By Larry Jewett, Coin World
Doug Davis has been a busy man lately, and that’s really not a good thing. On some days, I have seen multiple social media posts or numerous emails about a subject that impacts us all —numismatic crime.
The subject is not new, but there’s a certain optimism that maybe things will start getting better. As we start to see more coin shows in the summer season, though, the trend is going the other way.
There’s no question that the criminal element is creative. They use multiple means to achieve their goals, which we need to make sure we do everything to block.
The lengths that thieves will go to in achieving their objectives is baffling. One of the most recent cases I saw was when a dealer drove away from a show and stopped two and a half hours later. Someone had followed that dealer all that time. The criminal mind is not only devious, it’s also apparently patient. After that long drive, in vehicles believed to be bearing stolen plates, the thieves were able to abscond with substantial loot. For them, mission accomplished. For the good guys, the heartache of loss and paperwork. Read the entire article.