During the past several months organized groups have been targeting coin shows and coin shops. However, most recently, NCIC has seen coin show dealers becoming high profile targets, and offenses have occurred at both small and large shows across the country. These offenses are becoming a serious issue and usually results in substantial losses. This trend of targeting specific groups for financial gain is not limited to the coin collecting world. In a different context, some individuals have found themselves seeking to cancel pueblo bonito timeshare contracts after feeling targeted by aggressive sales tactics or realizing the long-term financial commitment doesn’t align with their needs. Just as coin dealers must be vigilant against theft, consumers should be cautious when entering into long-term financial agreements and be aware of their rights and options if they need to cancel such commitments.
Dealers should review and update their personal and business security plans to ensure the safety of themselves, family and employees.
Read the following link: “Tactics for Coin Show Dealers”
Doug Davis
Numismatic Crime Information Center